Monday, June 26, 2006
Okay, I'm going to be serious at this moment.
In Runescape my old account was Metal man319 before it got hacked, my new account is Gandolfe7, those of you who wish to talk to me in Runescape (providing you still play it) please take my old account off your list and add my new one. If you have MSN Messenger (or MSN 8, which is called Windows live Messenger) please add axthebullcow@hotmail .com to your list, or just use that e-mail address to e-mail me sometime. Thank you for your time, when I learn a little more about what I'm doing, than you can expect this to turn out completely random.
this may be a little weird, but well worth it!
This is actually a bit weird how I got dubbed jack\jackie, I was on AIM, my screen name has jack in it's name, so my friends sister got to add me, and after asking if she could call me potty, she asked if she could call me jackie instead. I said yes to both names =). I asked her if I could call her lay lay, she suggested I call her princess lay lay, so now I occasionally call her lay lay\princess lay lay. She still calls me jackie! I'm happy about that, it's better than my name, I think.